NoteBook protocol
Making NoteBook post on Github step
First step:
Open terminal onws my computer and now we can start the process.
cd Dropbox/MyProjects/Notebook-Directory/PierrickHarnay_NoteBook
this step permit to show the direction
cd _posts
this step open the file we want on finder files
After this both step we need to modified all the file for push all our comment and CV end more so for doing that used:
and after start all the process
After then we have 2 more steps to do:
for choising on what categrorie we want find our post and tag
to give us more details for witch categorie
We need to change the name of the file. When we create the file the name going to be like this -n 2022-09-19--ne-Pocillopora-Transect-
but we need to change for 2022-09-19-Pocillopora-Transect
for example
Second step
For everystep we have 3 principals commands:
git add
This comand allows to teh terminal witch file we add some modification and some comment on it
git add -A
git add FILENAME
git add FOLDER
git commit -m "message"
This comand allows us to put a small comment to discribe all the step we didgit push
It is the last step for push the modification on the webside
Macdown language
For build a good post nice to look and read we need to used some different writting
When we want put different size of title we need to used #
for big text -> # |
for medium size -> ## |
for smaller size -> ### |
When we want to do italic writting:
When we want bold writting:
When we want cross out the text:
When you want implant link to a website:
When you want implant image:

Image test