BESSY II 202406 Flow no flow Pocillopora spp

BESSY II 2024. Pocillopora spp. Flow / No flow

Resume of the project

In the island of Mo’orea located in French Polynesia, Pocillopora spp. are present and conciderate as dominante species around the island (back reef - fore reef) following many event as Crown of Throne, bleaching event (Gonzalo Pérez-Rosales et al. 2021). Pocillopora spp. show lot of plasticity depending of the depth, light and courant (Johnston et al. 2017). Identified Pocillopora spp. at species level are complicated only by morphology. Molecular work need to be done to detect and identified the species level using mtORF (Johnston et al. 2022). In this experiment we identify 4 differents species P.verrucosa (Haplotype 3), P. meandrina (Haplotype 1a - 8a), P. tuahiniensis (Haplotype 10)(new specie describe by Johnston and Burgess 2023), P. grandis (Haplotype 1a) sampled at 2 differents sites conditions; Haapiti Flow site (W 149.883782438236 - S 17.5650093638768)and Manava No flow site (W 149.807646130636 - S 17.4756927846393). Our goal it’s to identified the difference and the plasticity the coral make between a site with a hight flow regime compare to a low flow regime condition. For doing that we run tomography scanning (Scucchia et al. 2023) on our samples at the BeamLine of BESSY II in Berlin.


Depending of the environmental condition, Pocillopora spp. will don’t have the same skeleton structure interspecific and intraspecific. Our first try will be on aldult colonie and we will keep pushing on this aspect for the recruit.

History of the adults samples

Colonies from the field


History of the recruits samples

Colonies from the field

In order to prepare a new approach to the question with new life stages, we used the same approach as for adults. However, among the recruits chosen, only one site is present, due to a lack of time to obtain sample IDs. This approach will serve as a test to understand the potential for comparison between life stages and species for a future Beamtime.


Samples preparation adults

All samples were prepared in advance following the protocol SEM preparation. Before each scan, the coral fragments were cut with a pair of wire cutters to take only the top of the fragments (see picture bellow).


Samples preparation recruits

All samples were prepared in advance following the protocol SEM preparation. All recruits were cut or positioned to be able to see the entire fragment. Each fragment was scanned twice, starting from the top tips and going down 3 mm to overlap the scans for easier reconstruction.

Sample scan

Adults flow no flow for both site (Haapiti - Manava)

Date Time Sample name File name Number of scan Resolution Notes
20240629 21:10 PT013   2    
20240629 21:20 PT040 PT410 2    
20240629 21:43 PG010 PG110 1   Tiny sample, no need 2 scan to cover the entire sample
20240629 21:57 PM029 PM29 2    
20240629 22:27 PV002 PV02 2    
20240629 22:52 PT042 PT12 1   Only 1 scan
20240629 23:08 PV035 PV35 1   Only 1 scan
20240629 23:22 PT015 PT15 1   Only 1 scan
20240629 23:42 PG030 PG310 2    
20240630 0:43 PM021 PM21 2    
20240630 1:10 POC NO FLOW POCC NO FLOW 2    
20240630 1:30 POC FLOW POCC FLOW 2    
20240630 2:00 PG034 PG34 2    
20240630 2:32 PG011 PG11 2    
20240630 3:05 PV036 PV36 2    
20240630 3:32 PV001 PV01 2    
20240630 3:57 PM019 PM19 2    
20240630 4:20 C2 PDAM_C2 1   Problem during scan, catch lot of paper and not the sample
20240630 4:35 M3 PDAM_M3 1   Problem during scan, catch lot of paper and not the sample
20240630 4:49 H3 PDAM_H3 1   Problem during scan, catch lot of paper and not the sample
20240630 5:03 C1 PDAM_C1 1   Problem during scan, catch lot of paper and not the sample
20240630 5:30 419 POCC13 2    
20240630 5:45 596 POCC13 2    
20240630 6:25 FUNGIA FUN1 2    

Sample scan

Recruits from Manava site (no flow)

Date Species Sample number Sample file name Sample file name rest Number of scan Notes
20240630 Haplotype 1a 596 POCC 1 2  
20240630 P.meandrina 452 POCC 2 2  
20240630 P.effusa 417 POCC 3 2  
20240630 Haplotype 1a 431 POCC 4 2  
20240630 P.meandrina 538 POCC 5 2  
20240630 Haplotype 1a 451 POCC 6 2 the second scan is 4mm bellow
20240630 Haplotype 1a 429 POCC 7 2  
20240630 P.tuahiniensis 421 POCC 8 2  
20240630 P.acuta 454 POCC 9 2  
20240630 P.tuahiniensis 552 POCC 10 2  
20240630 P.acuta 546 POCC 11 2  
20240630 P.effusa 419 POCC 13 2  

Sample scan parameters

All samples adults/recruits

Folder File name Sample file name Energy (eV) Resolution Exposition time
PV3 _00340 PV36 24500 2X 150ms
PV3 _00338 PV36 24500 2X 150ms
PV3 _00310 PV35 24500 2X 150ms
PV3 _00213 PV36 24500 10X 750ms
PV3 _00212 PV36 24500 10X 100ms
PV3 _00211 PV36 24500 10X 100ms
PV3 _00210 PV36 24500 10X 600ms
PV3 _00209 PV36 24500 10X 450ms
PV3 _00208 PV36 24500 10X 150ms
PV3 _00207 PV36 24500 10X 150ms
PV3 _00206 PV36 24500 10X 150ms
PV3 _00204 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00203 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00202 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00201 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00200 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00199 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00198 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00197 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00196 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00191 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00190 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00189 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV3 _00188 PV36 24523 10X 150ms
PV0 _00344 PV01 24500 2X 150ms
PV0 _00342 PV01 24500 2X 150ms
PV0 _00306 PV02 24500 2X 150ms
PV0 _00304 PV02 24500 2X 150ms
PV0 _00227 PV01 17000 10X 750ms
PV0 _00224 PV01 24500 10X 750ms
PV0 _00222 PV01 16000 10X 750ms
PV0 _00220 PV01 24500 10X 750ms
PT4 _00296 PT410 24500 2X 150ms
PT4 _00295 PT410 24500 2X 150ms
PT4 _00293 PT410 24500 2X 150ms
PT1 _00312 PT15 24500 2X 150ms
PT1 _00308 PT12 24500 2X 150ms
PT1 _00291 PT13 24500 2X 150ms
PT1 _00289 PT13 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00396 Pocc2 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00395 Pocc2 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00394 Pocc3 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00392 Pocc3 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00390 Pocc4 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00388 Pocc4 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00386 Pocc6 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00385 Pocc6 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00383 Pocc7 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00381 Pocc7 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00379 Pocc8 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00378 Pocc9 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00376 Pocc9 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00374 Pocc10 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00372 Pocc10 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00370 Pocc11 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00368 Pocc11 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00365 Pocc5 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00363 Pocc5 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00360 Pocc1 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00358 Pocc1 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00356 Pocc13 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00328 Pocc flow 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00326 Pocc flow 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00324 Pocc no flow 24500 2X 150ms
Pocc _00322 Pocc no flow 24500 2X 150ms
PM4 _00252 PM25 17000 10X 450ms
PM4 _00250 PM25 24500 10X 450ms
PM2 _00320 PM21 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00318 PM21 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00302 PM29 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00300 PM29 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00287 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00286 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00284 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00282 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00281 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00279 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00277 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00276 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00274 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00273 PM25 24500 2X 150ms
PM2 _00266 PM25 17000 10X 450ms
PM2 _00264 PM25 24500 10X 450ms
PM2 _00263 PM25 24500 10X 450ms
PM1 _00348 PM19 24500 2X 150ms
PM1 _00346 PM19 24500 2X 150ms
PM1 _00243 PM19 24500 10X 450ms
PM1 _00241 PM19 17000 10X 450ms
PM1 _00238 PM19 24500 10X 450ms
PG3 _00332 PG34 24500 2X 150ms
PG3 _00330 PG34 24500 2X 150ms
PG3 _00316 PG310 24500 2X 150ms
PG3 _00314 PG310 24500 2X 150ms
PG3 _00249 PG34 24500 10X 450ms
PG3 _00248 PG34 24500 10X 450ms
PG3 _00246 PG34 17000 10X 450ms
PG3 _00244 PG34 24500 10X 450ms
PG1 _00336 PG11 24500 2X 150ms
PG1 _00334 PG11 24500 2X 150ms
PG1 _00298 PG110 24500 2X 150ms
PG1 _00237 PG11 24500 10X 450ms
PG1 _00234 PG11 17000 10X 450ms
PG1 _00232 PG11 24500 10X 450ms
PG1 _00231 PG11 24500 10X 450ms

All the data is available on GitHub here

Written on July 9, 2024